Bow Market Internal Resources

Emergency Action Plan


The number one priority for incident resolution is the safety and security of Bow Market owners, managers, employees and guests.

Matt and Zach want everyone who is a part of the Bow Market business community to know that the physical and mental safety of our business owners, managers, and their employees is your number one priority. You are who we center and we will always support you as best we can. Please familiarize yourself with the systems within so you are not searching for this document in the event of an emergency.

Bow Market Phone Numbers

  • Matt and Zach Management Line: 617-684-5237

  • BEST (Boston Emergency Services Team) Mental health emergencies: (800) 981-4357



Our facilities team monitors the email address for issues that arise. The team is onsite for regular maintenance on Mondays and Thursday and are available for emergent issues throughout the week.

Facilities Resources

The link to the left includes several sets of resources available to you

HVAC Sharing: Most businesses at Bow Market share an HVAC compressor with one or two other businesses. In the shoulder seasons, you may have an experience where your thermostat is set to heat and not producing heat or set to cold and not blowing cold air. Often, the thermostat will read “WAIT.” In this case consult with the HVAC mapping included at the link to the right. Check with your neighbors to see if their thermostat is set to the opposite heat setting (heat/cool) than yours and whether they would be willing to adjust it to match yours.

Approved Vendor List: This list of vendors have all done work at Bow Market and are generally fair and responsive. Several of the vendors included are highlighted in orange: these businesses must be contracted with when you need work done. If you have a business you think should be added to this list, please send it directly to Zach.

Courtyard Traffic


Bow Market Traffic Data: We have been tracking footfall traffic data into the courtyard since April of 2019. The data is not perfectly acurate (if it says 100 people came to the courtyard, we know it is an undercount). However, it is very consistent, and we find it can tell us a lot when comparing one week, month, or year to another.


Marketing and Events Committee
The marketing and events committee meets virtually every Thursday from 11:30a - 12:30p. You can find all the information you need for courtyard events linked here to the left as well as the link to the weekly meeting.

Non-violent Communcation


Non-violent communication is a baseline for how we expect people within the Bow Market business community to interact with one another. The primer linked to the left provides an introduction to the concept of non-violent communication and the importance of feedback, a comparison to agressive communication, and explanation of one’s role as a communicator and receiver of feedback.

If you would like to talk more about non-violent communication and it’s role within Bow Market, please reach out directly to Matt and Zach.

Somerville Business Parking


Somerville has a non-resident business parking permit program

Permit holders are assigned a residential street near their place of business to park on and a set of hours that the permit is valid.

From the city: Permits are based on availability. Not all permits will be issued. There are a limited amount available. Permits requested by mail /email will be reviewed and applicant notified of status within 15 business days after receipt of paperwork .