Popular Questions
What are your hours?
Check out our hours here. Individual store hours are set by each business owner. We recommend checking their store pages and social media before you visit.
Am I able to reserve a table in the courtyard?
As of April, 2023, the courtyard has returned to all open seating! For groups between 25-45, please email bookevents@bowmarketsomerville.com
How do I know what’s going on at Bow?
To keep up with all the happenings join our mailing list, check out our calendar, and follow us on Facebook and IG.
Are dogs allowed at Bow Market?
Yes! Dogs are allowed in the main courtyard and indoor lobby spaces. Please keep your four-legged friends on a leash and confirm with store owners/staff that it’s OK to come in.
Take note that on event days, Bow Market can get very crowded and some owners prefer to leave their dogs at home.
Is there a lost and found?
There is not one central lost and found. If you misplace an item, please let the staff of the businesses you were in know, and they will post to our market-wide channel to help you find it.
Getting Here
Where is Bow Market?
Bow Market is located in the heart of Union Square, Somerville at 1 Bow Market Way, Somerville MA, 02143. The entrance to Bow Market Way is off of Somerville Ave, next to Union Tavern.
Is there parking?
There is public parking in Union Square, some metered, some not metered, including spots on Somerville Ave and Bow St. Parking is free after 8pm and on all Sundays and holidays.
You can use Park Mobile to pay for parking on your phone.
Can I bring my bike to Bow Market?
Bike riding is encouraged. However, bikes are not allowed in Bow Market’s public courtyard. There are bike parking spaces 50 feet to the right and left of Bow Market on Somerville Ave.
Is it handicapped accessible? Is there an elevator?
Bow Market is handicap accessible. The elevator can be accessed in the first floor lobby.
How do I get there by public transit?
Bow Market is located in the heart of Union Square, accessible on foot, by bike, bus and the newly opened Green Line of the MBTA! The E line of the Green Line will get you to Union Sqaure. Local bus routes that drop you within <5 minutes walking include the 85, 86, 91, and CT2. For driving directions, consult Google Maps.
Our Community
Are all these spaces popups?
No, all but two of our businesses are leased spaces at Bow Market.
What spaces can I rent at Bow Market?
Check out the “Join In” section on our website to see what is currently available.
How do I open a shop in Bow Market?
If you’d like to submit a proposal, please review the information on our Tenants page and email partners@bowmarketsomerville.com.
How do I connect with specific shop owners?
Each business has their own page on the website with contact information listed. You can also pop into their store and say hello!